Manasu Maathu

For Caregivers

Manasu’ means ‘mind-heart’ in Kannada, and Tamil, and ‘Maathu’ translates to conversation in Kannada. Manasu Maathu is a care group for family carers of people with mental illness and neuro-developmental disability. It offers promotive-preventative mental health support for caregivers through the creative arts. ‘

Since 2022, FAHI has offered 3 iterations of Manasu Maathu both in-person and online. Using various creative explorations with drama, movement, arts and storytelling, the groups have explored themes of acknowledging invisible caregiver identity, ambiguous loss, grief, anger, shame and social stigma that caregivers experience in this role. This group is facilitated by creative arts therapists and mental health practitioners who themselves are caregivers whose lived experiences helps catalyse the creation of a sense of community and allows for co-learning within the group.

For more information or to sign up, write to us at